terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011

Biographies - Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel

In 1927, Laurel and Hardy began sharing screen time together in Slipping Wives, Duck Soup and With Love and Silva. Roach Studios' supervising direction of Leo McCarey, seeing the public reaction to the two began intentionally teaming them together, leading to an early Laurel and Hardy series late that year. With this association, which he created, no doubt the most famous double acts in cinema history. They began producing a huge body of short films, including The Battle of the Century, married Men Go Home If?, Two Tars, Unaccustomed As We are Berth Marks, Blotto, Brats, another fine mess, Be Big!, and many others. in 1929, they appeared in his first feature in a revue sequences of Hollywood Revue of 1929 and the following year, appeared as the comic relief in an all-color musical entitled The Rogue Song. This film marked his first appearance in color. in 1931, they made their first full length film, Pardon Us although they continued to make features and shorts until 1935. the Music Box, a 1932 short, they won a Oscar for best short film - his only such award.
While on the lot, Hardy fell in love with Virginia Lucille Jones, a script girl, whom he married the following year. They enjoyed a successful and happy marriage until his death.

Biographies - Charlie Chaplin

Sir Charles “Charlie” Spencer Chaplin foi o mais famoso ator dos primeiros momentos do cinema hollywoodiano, e posteriormente um notável diretor. Chaplin foi uma das personalidades mais criativas do tempo do cinema mudo. Nasceu em Walworth, Londres, dos pais Sr. Charles e Hannah Harriette Hill, ambos animadores do Music Hall. Chaplin iniciou sua carreira como mímico, fazendo excursões para apresentar sua arte.Charles Chaplin faleceu no dia de Natal (25 de Dezembro) de 1977 em Vevey, Suíça e foi enterrado no Cemitério Corsier-Sur-Vevey em Corsier-Sur-Vevey, Vaud, Suíça. Depois meses depois, em 3 de Março de 1978, seu corpo foi roubado do cemitério, numa tentativa de extorquir dinheiro de sua família. O plano falhou, e os ladrões foram capturados e o corpo recuperado onze semanas depois, no Lago Geneva. Há uma famosa estátua de Chaplin em Vevey.

Biographies - Carmen Miranda

Carmen Miranda (1909-1955) was a Brazilian singer and actress of Portuguese origin, was born on February 9, 1909 and died on August 5, 1955.
For 15 years is a success in the United States (U.S.), especially in Hollywood. His real name is Maria do Carmo Miranda da Cunha.
Born in Marco de Canaveses, Portugal, came to Brazil in two years. His first album comes out in 1930, marked the success of Tai, Joubert de Carvalho. In the 30's, your recordings are successful carnivals (Alô. ... .. Hello, Goodbye Batucada on the board of Bahia) and it does toured Argentina and Uruguay. It operates in five films starring Brazilian cinema.
Consecrated internationally, traveling to Brazil in 1954 to see family. Months later, back in Hollywood, dies of a heart attack.

Biographies - Heitor Villa Lobos

Heitor Villa-Lobos (Rio de Janeiro 05/03/1887 - 17/11/1959 Rio de Janeiro) son of a humble public servant, lawyer and music lover who played the cello, very new starts in the study of the instrument by his father, which, given the small size of the child, for this purpose uses a purple down. Raul Villa-Lobos died prematurely in 1899, the mother of the future author of Amazons thought to make it a career as a doctor, but the passion was for the strongest and, armed with his guitar, gave him broad, touching wheels popular and instrumental ensembles, the cries and calls, starting in 1900 to compose for the instrument a series of little pieces of taste also popular. Soon earned his living as a cellist, playing in cinemas, theaters and cafes.

Thanksgiving Day

It is the day observed as "a day of thanksgiving" to God for the good events this year. On this day, people give thanks with feasting and family prayer. Most people celebrate the day after Thanksgiving gathering with family and friends to a traditional banquet.
The Day of Thanksgiving stands out from other holidays because it can be celebrated by almost everyone. He is not tied to a particular religion and people can celebrate it the way you want.
The only essential traditions are to a meal with friends or with family and thanks for what you have and what 'collected' in the past year. In the world of holidays, Thanksgiving Day is the most simple and pure as possible.

Panamerican Games - Mascots

More than 6,000 athletes from 42 countries competed in the 361 sporting events from 36 sports of the XVI Pan American Games Guadalajara 2011 which were held between 14-30 October 2011.O Organizing Committee of the Pan American Games Guadalajara (COPAG) released on November 28, 2009 the mascots for the Pan American Games and Parapan American Games 2011. The mascots were presented officially on 10 February 2010.As 2011 Games mascots are three: Gavo (a blue agave plant), Huichi (a deer) and Leo (a lion). The creators received cash prize for the 2011 Pan mascots. Jose Luis Andrade has created the lion, Angel Barrera Beard created the deer and Fernando Sanchez created the blue agave.

Halloween Origens

The word Halloween has its origins in the Catholic Church, comes from a contracted corruption of the 1st of November, "Every Day Holes" or "All Day Saints. The origin of Halloween dates back to the ancient Celtic Ireland in the fifth century AD. That time he was called Samhain and was celebrated on October 31, the date that culminated in late summer and early new year. marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new, as we do now. it was the time that occurred in the late third and last year's harvest, the beginning of the storage of supplies for the winter, the beginning of the return of herds from pasture and renewal of the laws. Samhain also had other names. it was known as La Samon , or Feast of the Sun.